About Me

Nome: Catarina Gonçalves   Idade: 19   Estudante de Design de Moda Name: Catarina Gonçalves  Age: 19  Studying Fashion Design


O Your Fashion Boulevard é um blog de moda, lifestyle e design e é aqui que eu partilho o meu estilo pessoal, os meus trabalhos relacionados com moda, design, fotografia e os meus interesses.
O blog foi criado quando fiz 18 anos. Na altura estava a estudar Design de comunicação (curso artístico especializado) e o blog começou por ser o meu TPC. Visto que ia entrar na faculdade e tirar o curso de design de moda achei que o blog era a maneira ideal de me fazer pesquisar, aumentar a minha cultura visual em várias áreas e partilhar convosco as minhas novas "sabedorias".
Com o tempo pude explorar e aumentar os meus skills a nível fotográfico, uma das minhas grandes paixões.

Em Setembro de 2013 mudei-me para Lisboa para estudar Design de Moda, mas por motivos pessoais tive de me afastar da blogosfera.
Entretanto, estar na capital fez surgir em mim um grande interesse por jornalismo de moda e isso deu-me força para voltar a escrever.

Agora tenho 19 anos e estou divida entre a capital e o sol do meu Algarve e tenho imensos planos para o futuro que espero realizar!

Your Fashion Boulevard is a blog about fashion , lifestyle and design and this is where I share my personal style, my work related to fashion, design, photography and my interests.
The blog was created when I was 18. At the time I was studying Design and Communication and the blog began as my "homework". Since I intended to go to college and take the course of fashion design I thought the blog was the perfect way to make me search, increase my visual culture in various fields and share with you my new knowledge.
Over time I could explore and enhance my skills in photography, one of my greatest passions.

In September 2013 I moved to Lisbon to study fashion design, but for personal reasons I had to get away from the blogosphere.
However, living in the capital has raised in me a great interest in fashion journalism and it gave me strength to write again.

Now I'm 19 and I'm torn between the capital and the sun of my Algarve with huge plans for the future that I hope to achieve!

1 comentário:

  1. Hello Catarina,

    I'm Valencia, the community manager of WhatIWear. I checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to WhaIWear.com. With 1,5 million page views a month, WhatIWear.com is the leading street style website in Asia. Plus, we're still growing, so it's perfect for rising fashionistas to have their chance to SHINE at the spotlight.

    Maybe you can post these pics as your first looks on WhatIWear? I bet our members will be rooting for you as well!

    We cannot wait to see your awesome style.
    Click www.whatiwear.com to get started.

    See you soon,
    Community manager
