Hi guys!
So i'm really happy, I was named by Stephanie of the blog Vidathings (if you did't see it yet, do it! She has a great cute blog!) to Liebster Award! As I said to her, when she told me "I feel honored" :p
So, the Liebster award is a "challenge" for new bloggers that have less than 200 followers, it's a great opportunity to share the blog and meet other bloggers!
What do we have to do:
- Share 11 things about you
- Answer the 11 questions that your tagger gave you
- Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have less than 200 Google Friend Connect Followers and be told via comment on their blog
- Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers that were nominated
- Thank the person that nominated you and link back their blog
11 things about me:
1. Love to draw and create clothes
2. Last year i did a short course of "introduction of fashion design", it was in a depressing part of my life, but that week change me, was the only thing that made me happy!
3. If i could sleep all day, I probably would do it!
4. LOVE horror movies!
5. My TV is always turned on! Even when i am not watching and i don't really want to watch I need to hear that sound of the TV
6. I like to bake cakes! I fell like super woman when they're really good and everyone want it
7. Every year, I am the best student of the class and I always receive a premium.
8. I'm not a good singer at all, but I am always singing... sometimes I recorded it to listen if I am that bad and... I delete it
9. My perdition: those little balls with chocolate and almond! SO CALORIC! but i cant resist
10. I love shopping but i hate it when i can't buy it or when i am in those kind of days that i travel a lot of km to go shopping new stuff in new stores and i don't like to see me with anything!
11. Sometimes I'm to "hardcore"!
Stephanie's questions:
1- How you love spending your time?
At this point of my life I don't have much time to spent but I like drawing and I research fashion, photography and design and of course dedicate my time to Your Fashion Boulevard
Two clothing items that you can't live without?
Black blazer and jeans
What can people learn from your blog? Or what do you want them to?
I want them to know that fashion is not only pretty clothes, is just about yourselves too, music, cinema..
If you could pack your bags right now and move to another city, which one would it be?
Paris! I know that's "very seen" but it's a little dream, I've never been there
If you could meet one famous person, who would you choose?
Jared Leto! the vocalist of my favorite band 30 SECONDS TO MARS!
A sunny day at the beach or a cold, snowy day at the mountains?
Sunny day at the beach :p
Most amazing thing, memory or day of your life?
It's hard to choose one.. hmm.. the day, when I was an athlete I won the 1st place in high jump or when I hit Algave's record of hurdles.
Favourite scent?
Have 2: Versace and Antonio Banderas
Describe your style in 3 words
Casual, creative and light
What is the motto of your life?
No glory without work
What is your favourite beauty product?
My broker dark circles by Nivea.
My questions for you:
1. Why did you decide to create your blog?
2. What is your goal for your career?
2. What is your goal for your career?
3. What can't miss in your purse?
4. Who would you like to spend a day with?
5. What color do you use the most in a night out?
6. Choose a designer and tell me why do you like him.
7. Super Mario, Pacman or Sonic?
8. Imagine that today's a rainy day, perfect to spend at home. What do you gonna do?
9. If you could be someone else, who else would you be?
10. Popcorn: sweet or salty?
11. What is the first thought when you wake up?
My 11 nominees:
1. Frederica Ferreira from Pérola
2. Carolina Santiago from Heaven Rose
3. Ana Figueiredo from Free Fall Feather
4. Floor Eizema from Jade Pillar
5. Lindsey from Lindsey Duffin
6. Gail J. from The Equinox Fashion
7. Lauren from Lauren's Top Drawer
8. Amber Lee from Blonde of Something
9. Valeria C. from Fashionships
10. Clhoé from Maison Clhoé
11. Camilla from Camilla en rose
Once again thank you so much Stephanie, your're a lovely girl <3
Congratz to everyone and please leave a comment with your Liebster award post <3
xoxo, YFB
OMG thank you so much Catarina! I'm so exited about it!
ResponderEliminarI'll do the post as soon as i can!
Thanks a lot, it's a great opportunity :)
You really deserve your nomination sweety!:) I am so glad I could learn more things about you:) As for the random fact number 3? I could sleep for even more:)
Thank you so much hunnie, I really appreciate it :))